Heerka Koowaad Aztec waxa uu Abaalmarinnada Badbaadada ka helay ExxonMobil

2024-09-21T00:02:22+00:00April 1, 2019|Company News, Press & Media|

Marsden Services is proud to announce that Tier One Aztec Property Services has been awarded two prestigious safety awards by ExxonMobil. Marsden is one of [...]

Marsden West waxay wax ku biirinaysaa USC Ku guulaysiga Abaalmarinta eber ee qashinka!

2024-09-21T00:11:36+00:00January 22, 2018|Company News, Press & Media|

The PAC-12 Conference selected USC and their stadium partners at the Coliseum as winners of the 2017 Zero Waste Competition. Marsden West was part of [...]

Xalka Maareynta Xarunta Aztec waxa la siiyay Abaalmarinta Badbaadada Qandaraaslaha Sare ee ExxonMobil

2024-09-21T00:16:46+00:00November 7, 2016|Company News, Press & Media|

Aztec, a Marsden Holding company based in Houston Texas, has been awarded top honors by ExxonMobil during this year’s Contractor Safety Recognition Dinner -- an [...]

Jaamacadda Gobolka Metropolitan, Macmiil Ammaanka iyo Baaritaannada Mareykanka, oo dhawaan loogu magac daray 16-aad ee Koolejyada ugu nabdoon ee gudaha Mareykanka by BackgroundChecks.org

2024-09-21T00:26:55+00:00November 4, 2016|Company News, Press & Media|

Metropolitan State University, a client of American Security & Investigations, was recently named the 16th safest college campus in the U.S. by BackgroundChecks.org. One of [...]