Wararka Shirkadda & Wararka
The latest in Marsden Company News.
Marsden Waxay Xaqiijisay Qandaraaska Coliseum Memorial ee Los Angeles
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 3, 2017. MARSDEN SECURES CONTRACT TO CLEAN LOS ANGELES MEMORIAL COLISEUM. St. Paul-based firm adds to national stadium portfolio. St. Paul, MN, April 3, 2017– Marsden Services, LLC announced today that they have secured the contract to clean the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum during the upcoming NCAA football season. The deal adds to Marsden’s growing portfolio of major entertainment [...]
Xalka Maareynta Xarunta Aztec waxa la siiyay Abaalmarinta Badbaadada Qandaraaslaha Sare ee ExxonMobil
Aztec, a Marsden Holding company based in Houston Texas, has been awarded top honors by ExxonMobil during this year’s Contractor Safety Recognition Dinner -- an event held annually to recognize on-site contract companies for exhibiting the safety mantra: “Nobody Gets Hurt”. ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Refinery Manager, Mark Northcutt and Baton Rouge Complex Mechanical Manager, Erskine Frison addressed the crowd of 100 attendees representing [...]
Marsden Holding wuxuu arkaa kobaca qaranka
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM CLEANLINK. Marsden Holding Sees National Growth. By Nick Bullock. Posted: September 6, 2016. Read the article, "The Marsden Method | Marsden Holding Sees National Growth | Unique Acquisition Strategy Pays Off For Contract Cleaner Remembering Customer, Employee Concerns When Buying Businesses," by Nick Bullock. When Tom Kruse was looking to sell his contract cleaning company, Scioto Services, back in [...]
Jaamacadda Gobolka Metropolitan, Macmiil Ammaanka iyo Baaritaannada Mareykanka, oo dhawaan loogu magac daray 16-aad ee Koolejyada ugu nabdoon ee gudaha Mareykanka by BackgroundChecks.org
Metropolitan State University, a client of American Security & Investigations, was recently named the 16th safest college campus in the U.S. by BackgroundChecks.org. One of only a handful of public urban campuses on the list, Metro State boasts over 70 degree programs with over 11,000 students enrolled at several academic levels. Timothy Kingsley, Associate VP at American is proud of his team. “Our [...]
Guy Mingo oo loo magacaabay Hoolka Ganacsiga ee Minnesota
By Patricia Kelly Twin Cities Business July 1, 2011 At 51, Guy Mingo may seem rather young to be inducted into the Minnesota Business Hall of Fame. But he’s always lived ahead of schedule. “I was eager to get going,” he says, “and I’ve never looked back.” Guy Mingo, CEO, Marsden Holding LLC Mingo quit high school at 16 to work [...]
Hanjabaadda-Hodanka Deegaanka
Personal security specialist Paul Jaeb is building a business around the security needs of the prominent and affluent, by John Rosengren, May 9, 2016. Paul Jaeb, private eye, is mining a new, potentially rich niche for his services. Over the years, his corporate clients had asked for personal services on the side—looking into potential scams, performing background checks on household staff, providing security [...]
Iskaashatada Tignoolajiyada Waxay Wanaajisaa Ammaanka Macaamiisha
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 22, 2016. TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP ENHANCES SECURITY FOR CLIENTS. American Security, Securonet offer new options for small, mid-sized firms. ST. PAUL—American Security & Investigations, a leading security firm providing consulting, protection services and investigations nationwide, today announced that it has added new remote protection services for clients through a partnership with Securonet, a leading provider of technology solutions to the [...]
Amniga Mareykanka waxa uu wanaajiyaa Adeegyada Hanjabaada Firfircoon
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 1, 2016. AMERICAN SECURITY ENHANCES PROACTIVE THREAT SERVICES. Partnership with Chameleon Associates offers latest prevention skills. ST. PAUL—American Security & Investigations, a leading security firm providing consulting, protection services and investigations nationwide, today announced that it has enhanced its proactive threat assessment services for clients through a training partnership with Chameleon Associates, an international expert in the field. “As [...]
Warbixin Gaar ah - Dacwadda Isku-dhafka Iibiyaha
Guy Mingo, CEO, Marsden Holding REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM CLEANLINK Executive Interview: Guy Mingo, Marsden Holding By Dan Weltin Article Link Here: Cleanlink “With Marsden Holding, customers get the hometown team with national strength,” says Guy Mingo, CEO of the St. Paul-based cleaning company. That statement seems to be the unofficial motto of the company as the phrase is reiterated by not [...]
Marsden Aquires Aztec Xalka Maareynta Xarunta
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 14, 2016. MARSDEN ACQUIRES AZTEC FACILITY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS. Houston based firm adds to national footprint. St. Paul, MN, March 14, 2016 – Marsden Holding, LLC announced the acquisition of Houston-based Aztec Facility Management Solutions. With 60 client locations in eight states, Aztec will seamlessly integrate with Marsden’s national footprint. “Aztec CEO Sherra Aguirre has built an incredible operation that [...]
Goobta Bartilmaameedka Nadiifinta Cagaaran
REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM CLEANLINK Green Cleaning Target Field By Dan Welton, Editor-In-Chief Posted: March 1, 2011 Article Link Here: Cleanlink Target Field, the new home of the Minnesota Twins baseball team, earned the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction (LEED-NC) Silver Certification. With a total of 36 points, it also has been designated America's [...]
Marsden waxay bixisaa 60 sano oo khibrad adeegga xarunta ah
Case Study: Building a Long-Term Partnership with a Commercial Real Estate Group The Challenge A full-service real estate firm valuing integrity and long-lasting relationships, needed a building services company capable of delivering a wide range of cleaning and property maintenance solutions across a broad range of building types including office, medical, retail and industrial. The Solution The real estate firm began a partnership [...]